Creating Your 8th Sense
Sonia Mackwani
Founder - Channel
Multiple award-winner Sonia Mackwani is a Psychic Healer and an Intuitive Channel. At the age of 4, she had her first out-of-body experience. Since then, multiple metaphysical experiences made her understand that there is more to life than just what exists in the physical reality. There is a world which although invisible is very present. And one can connect with this invisible Source through one's feelings, intuitions, inner voice and gifts. Sonia knew from the very early stages that this is her last life and thus, her attempt is to lead an 'akarmic' way of living. She felt there is a purpose to life and she is here to become the energy of love. This energy of love, she experiences is through 'Self-work' 'Seva' (service) and 'Sadhana' (practice) which also was a catalyst to starting her non-profit foundation Touching Lives at the age of 20.
Masters in Clinical Psychology and Hypnotherapy, Sonia has worked as an alternative healing practitioner with eclectic and holistic approaches with people from diverse background over two decades. She has trained aspiring and advanced healers on several modalities of healing - Reiki, Family Constellation, Chakra Healing, Bibliotherapy, Writing Therapy, Birth Into Being Method, Ho'opo'nopono Method, Meditations, Breathwork, Yoga, Intuitive Channeling etc. and coached people and corporates on her 'Self-Work Approach' Model.
Sonia is an author and have written for children and adults; both fiction and non-fiction. Everyone Can Heal (2015), The Rocket Science Called Love (2017), 365 Days of a Sufi (2022), Tales from Indian Mythology - Mahabharata for children (2005). She is currently working on multiple titles in literary fiction and self-help.
Her foundation, Touching Lives supports learning, healing and art journey of the children and communities from the slums in Mumbai and other parts of India. Touching Lives is now 20 years old, her foundational value being –‘ It is completely our need to serve than saying, we serve the needy.’ A percentage of royalty from her works goes to fund this initiative.
She is an Independent Filmmaker writing, directing and producing short-films and documentary. Sonia combines art, expression and healing and therapy in her works and offers visual storytelling and experimental filmmaking workshops across the globe. She has worked with inmates of rehabs, prisons, organizations in both urban and rural sector.
Sonia is a Performing Artist and an actor, having performed in theatre festivals in Switzerland, Austria and United States of America. She conducts Improv sessions for self-work and personal evolution. She conceptualized and recorded ‘Power Minutes’ – Meditation Audios with Times Music.
A Tedx speaker, Sonia has received #100 Women Achiever of India Award (for Education) by Ministry of Women & Child Development 2015 by President of India. Awarded the World Women Leadership Award at the World Women Leadership Congress 2015 and emerged among the TOP 5 Mercedes Benz A Class Achievers 2014. She received Aga Khan Youth Award for Excellence in Leadership 2007 and Social Role Model Award in 2009. She is one of CNBC Young Turks Transformer and an iCongo Karmavareer Puraskaar fellow.
For workshops, speaking engagements and collaborations -
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Website - www.
* Currently Sonia is not doing one on one sessions. She is only conducting workshops.